
SpatialChat is an online video platform tool to create and host virtual meetings, talks and conferences. It provides many options to attribute a personal character to the different breakout rooms of the virtual conference space.

Summary of Important Information on SpatialChat

Demo  Video for SpatialChat at DGG 2022

The video below is a brief tour through the virtual demo space of the DGG 2022 online meeting. It might give an impression of the online experience to everyone who is not yet familiar with the online platform tool SpatialChat. Further introduction videos on the essential functions of SpatialChat will be uploaded here soon.

Basic Introduction to SpatialChat

  • More information about system requirements to use SpatialChat are found here. It is recommended to use a laptop/computer rather than a mobile device and to use a up-to-date GoogleChrome or Firefox version as browser.

The video below explains the basic functionality of SpacialChat. For those who never heard of SpatialChat before, this might be a good start.