The submission of e-posters will be able from February 18 to February 28, 2022 via an online portal of smart-abstracts similar to the abstract submission.From March 01, 2022 the conference tool will be available (like last year) an enable to view the submitted abstracts, posters and many more content.
More details on the poster requirements (formats, resolution, ...) will be provided via mail and here on the homepage within the next days!
The main presentation format on the online conference are posters extended by a one-minute introduction talk (1 slide per poster). Each poster session will start by these introduction talks given in the Lecture Hall. Afterwards the posters can be visited and discussed in the poster rooms of the respective session (4 posters per room).
All submitted abstracts are considered to be presented in this format.
Besides the poster sessions described above, there will be several sessions of oral talks given by early-career scientists from different institutions. The format will be a 15 minute talk and 5 minutes of questions.
A conference summary, containing abstracts, exhibitors and more, is going to be released for the conference and provided here on the homepage as a download. More details follow soon.
If you have to cancel a poster or presentation for the DGG2022 conference, please contact Max Moorkamp as soon as possible: