DGG 100

More about DGG100

Information on all kind of events, such as photo contest, the founding members,...  related to DGG100 celebration are found on the DGG website.

DGG100 Photo Contest

Check out the photo contest of the DGG100 celebration.

Colloquium DGG 100

This event is organised by the DGG 100 comittee and will take place on Wednesday March 09, 2022 from 14:00 - 15:30 in the conference rooms of SpatialChat. The moderators are  Heidrun Kopp and Alexander Rudloff and the event consits of three parts:


Part 1: Geophysics in Germany (Interviews)

Part 2: Geophysics is Changing (Interviews)

Part 3: Geophysics in the Future (Talk)